CPT 341 VB.NET Spring 2020 Project 3 Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Properties, Functions, ComboBox Control, Label Control Develop 1 base class (clsShape) and 3 sub-classes (clsRectangle, clsTriangle, clsCircle) to be used for calculating center of gravity and area of the 3 common shapes in a developed Windows Forms App. Develop a Base (parent) Class named clsShape containing 3 Properties (Base, Height, Diameter) Develop an additional 3 derived sub-classes named clsRectangle, clsTriangle, clsCircle which Inherits the properties of the Base Class clsShape. For each of the derived classes, create 3 Functions to calculate the centroid (X), centroid(Y) and the Area In a developed Windows Form, create an instance (object) for each derived class named objRect, objTri, objCircle to be used for calculating both the centroid and the area. Solved by verified study co-pilot All Study Co-Pilots are evaluated by Gotit Pro as an expert in their subject area. Add to Solution…
Using the GDI+ classes presented in the notes, develop a Visual Basic Windows application that will display graphics primitives such as rectangles (including hatch and gradient brushes)…
GDI+, Graphics Primitives, Rectangles, Curves, Circle, Text, Hatch Patterns, Gradient Brush, Color Dialog Control, Button Control, Textbox Control, GroupBox Control Using the GDI+ classes presented in the notes, develop a Visual Basic Windows application that will display graphics primitives such as rectangles (including hatch and gradient brushes), ellipses, curves, and text, directly to the Windows Form. Solved by verified study co-pilot All Study Co-Pilots are evaluated by Gotit Pro as an expert in their subject area. Add to Solution Cart Contact Us Student review: (21 ratings) 21 out of 21 people found this solution helpful.
In patriarchal society Esterios, the secretarial profession is dominated by men while the computer science profession is dominated by women…
Based on this and applying the sociological imagination, which of the following is most likely the case? Carlos tends Llama in Columbia and his wife, Rosa, takes care of the family crops. Joseph is a nurse in the Netherlands and his wife, Martina, is a midwife. Both countries are patriarchal. Whose work would be given more prestige in their perspective societies? As a woman, Karen is not encouraged by her parents to become a businesswoman and is not provided financial support to pursue her MBA degree by her parents because they feared that she could not handle the business world. In contrast, her twin brother Dylan was allowed and encouraged by her parents to take on the dad’s business after he finishes school. This case illustrates…
The database StudentData.mdb (located in the email sent and in Canvas/Files) is maintained by the University Registrar. There is one table (table name = Students) in the database…

The database StudentData.mdb (located in the email sent and in Canvas/Files) is maintained by the University Registrar. There is one table (table name = Students) in the database that contains student information such as first name, last name, number of classes and major. Develop a Visual BASIC Forms App that will connect to the database using Active Data Objects (ADO), load the table data into a DataGridView control and allow the app user to change/update records, search, sort, and filter for full time students.
You have been asked to develop a program for Yoshi’s Pizza restaurant. The program will calculate and display the cost of a customer’s order including GST and deposit (where applicable).
Each customer may order any number of each type of food and beverage (pizza, side, or cola). The restaurant needs to track and display the total revenue for the day, the total of each type of sale (pizza, side, or cola), and the total number of customers for the day. Additional Program Requirements: Declare and use constants for the each of the costs of the different items being sold (e.g. COST_PIZZA_SM=12.75, COST_PIZZA_LG=18.75, etc.), GST and deposit prices. (No magic numbers!) Use a character data type for the type of purchase being made, i.e. the type value will be one of p, P, s, S, d or D…