[Python] Write a program that will display the first and last name entry as “initials”, “name in address book” and user name.

Write a program that will display the first and last name entry as “initials”, “name in address book” and user name.  Deliverables The users enters a person’s first and last name as separate inputs.The program finds the “initials”, “name in address book” and user name.The program displays the “initials”, “name in address book” and user name. SAMPLE RUN (User entry is in RED)  User’s Entry Enter last name Smith Enter first name John Result The person’s Initials: J.S. Name in address book: John SMITH User name: jsmith Answer Preview   Solved by verified study co-pilot   All Study Co-Pilots are evaluated by Gotit Pro as an expert in their subject area. Get Verified Solution Contact Us Student review: (1 ratings) 17 out of 1 people found this solution helpful.

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Write a program where you can enter an ellipse equation and a straight line equation. If nothing is entered, use the values 16*x**2 + 9*y**2 = 144 and -x + y = 5.

Write a program where you can enter an ellipse equation and a straight line equation (each in coordinate form). If nothing is entered, use the values 16*x**2 + 9*y**2 = 144 and -x + y = 5. With the help of sympy.sympify you can convert the input into a SymPy expression and then use SymPy to calculate the intersection points of the straight line and ellipse. Now indicate whether the straight line entered is a secant, a tangent or a passersby of the ellipse entered. Plot both using sympy.plotting.plotimplicit or use matplotlib if you prefer. However, the straight line and the ellipse should be plotted together.

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