Sure, here is the Python program that displays formatted messages based on the given instructions: “`python def display_message(): # Step 1: Ask user to input a string message user_input = input(“Enter a string message, including your name and a short message (less than 40 characters): “) # Step 2: Ask user to input a field width greater than 40 width = int(input(“Enter a positive integer greater than 40 as a field width: “)) # Step 3: Ask user to input an alignment
You have been assigned to create a simple stopwatch application for fitness enthusiasts. Develop…
You have been assigned to create a simple stopwatch application for fitness enthusiasts. Develop this using Java’s Swing GUI framework. The requirements for your stopwatch application are: • Display elapsed time in the format: HH:MM:SS. • Incorporate a “Start” button to initiate the stopwatch. • Incorporate a “Stop” button to halt the stopwatch. • Incorporate a “Reset” button to reset the elapsed time to 00:00:00. • Ensure that the application layout is easy-to-use and interactive for users.
You are now tasked with designing a simple user interface for a desktop application using Java’s…
You are now tasked with designing a simple user interface for a desktop application using Java’s Swing toolkit. Your design should consist of five separate frames (windows), each having its own purpose. Design and implement the following frames: • Login Frame: Contains fields for username and password and a button to submit. • Profile Frame: Displays a user’s name and email, with an option to log out. • Settings Frame: Provides options to make changes such as the theme of the application (e.g
You are a software engineer at RedPanda Software, and you have been assigned to design a…
You are a software engineer at RedPanda Software, and you have been assigned to design a desktop-based calendar application. Utilize Java’s Swing GUI framework to create a 12-month calendar application with the following specifications: • The application should display only one month at a time. • Users should be able to navigate forwards and backwards between the months. • The current day of the month should be distinctly highlighted. • Design the application interface to be intuitive and ensu
Large Integers Part \#1 Largelnteger Class An array can be used to store large integers, one digit…
Large Integers Part #1 Largelnteger Class An array can be used to store large integers, one digit at a time. For example, the integer 1234 could be stored in the array num by setting num[0] to 1, num[1] to 2, num[2] to 3, num[3] to 4. However, for this class implementation, you might find it more useful to store the digits backward; that is, place 4 in num[0], 3 in num[1], 2 in num[2], and 1 in num[3]. For the sake of simplicity, we will be storing and manipulating only with positive large inte
use Python In Minecraft, potions can be made and drank. When drank, they apply the corresponding…
In Minecraft, potions can be made and drank. When drank, they apply the corresponding potion effect to the player for some specified amount of time. “A Furious Cocktail” is the name of the advancement where a player has every potion effect applied at the same time. This is a challenging feat, as it takes time to drink each potion, and only one potion can be drank at a time. Suppose that in your inventory, there are N unique potions that have a time duration of t1,,tN seconds, respectively. Assum
– Three cats with names- Mia, Ruby and Snowy are playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. – Basic rules of the…
– Three cats with names- Mia, Ruby and Snowy are playing Rock-Paper-Scissors. – Basic rules of the game are: Rock beats scissors, scissors beat paper, and paper beats rock. – Each cat gains 3.5 points per win, loses a point per match lost, and gains 1.5 points if a match is drawn. – A total of 5 matches were played between Snowy and Mia. Snowy threw rock, paper, and scissors while Mia threw scissors, paper, and rock in the first three matches. In the last 2 matches, both Snowy and Mia threw rock